This look has a unique feature with its sleeves. Since the fabric was thick like an insect's exoskeleton, it was folded like origami and riveted together in order for the joints to bend. This idea was form after researching the bodies of insects and how they functioned (ex. below)
This look has a unique feature with its sleeves. Since the fabric was thick like an insect's exoskeleton, it was folded like origami and riveted together in order for the joints to bend. This idea was form after researching the bodies of insects and how they functioned (ex. below)
This look has a unique feature with its sleeves. Since the fabric was thick like an insect's exoskeleton, it was folded like origami and riveted together in order for the joints to bend. This idea was form after researching the bodies of insects and how they functioned (ex. below)
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Character from an anime movie based on the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Terms of Service
Terms of Service
Thank you for your interest in getting a commission!
Please review the Terms and Service and fill out the order form to get a commission quote!
Down payment of 50% the the quote must be completed to start the commission
You will be contacted through the email that was provided in the order form (check junk mail if you are waiting for a response) and a quote of the order will be given through Paypal
Down-payment will be non-refundable once commission begin
Payment must be done through Paypal (USD currency)
an invoice will be sent once the details have been finalized
If down-payment is not fulfilled in time (within 3 days) the deadline may be pushed back
or, if due to a waiting list, you may be moved back in the waiting list
you will be reminded if deadline gets push back or if moved back in the waiting list if down-payment is not fulfilled on time
Transactions are final due to the work needed to create the order as well as being a highly personalized. Therefore orders cannot be returned or refunded
Prices may change based on the demand
The files will be kept as Mokunachoi’s property and will not be delivered until the outstanding payment of the order quote has been completely fulfilled by the agreed amount
Orders must be requested at least a month in advanced
Orders will start once full down payment is fulfilled and when Commission Order form has been submitted checking the Terms of Service
Due to being a custom order, clients are encouraged to understand the wait time it will take to complete the order. Depending on the complexity of the order, it could range from 1 month or more.
work in progress images will be provided to the client during the creation process through email provided in order form
Wait time also will depend on the complexity of the design (the more complex, the more time it will take)
If client would like new things (ex. special expressions, props, wings, etc...) added during the main commission, a quote will be provided to the new requested asset and the deadline would be extended depending on the complexity of the new asset
Depending on how long the new time length of the project, an invoice of 50% of the quote price of the new asset will be provided (the other 50% of the quote from the new asset will be added to the final quote of the main commission)
Commissions can be rejected for any reason
As the artist, commissions can be canceled at anytime for any reason
refund will be provided
If you do not reply after two days after given a wip (work in progress) update, then Mokunachoi will move on to the next step to complete the commission
Major changes to the orders cannot be implemented during the order process.
If minor changes are needed, clients are to understand additional fees
Consultation with Mokunachoi must be done
Once the commission is completed and the client received the files, Mokunachoi will allow two separate chances for small adjustment/touchup updates on the model within 30 days. After that period and those two chances, changes cannot be made and will be final
+ 3D modeling for 3D printing
Modeling for 3D printing will only have digital files (stl)
there will be no physical product
+ Files Provided
+ Vtuber model (Using VeeSeeFace
Unity Project
fbx. + Texture images (png.)
Blender file
+ VRChat Avatar
Unity Project + fbx. + Texture images (png.)
Blender file
Use & Media
Mokunachoi will use any progress images towards their portfolio and for promotional purposes. As well as having the right to share photos, with credits, of the finished product
Videos/images of the process of the commission can also be uploaded to Mokunachoi’s social media platforms to be monetized by Mokunachoi
(ex. creating a speed process video of the commission uploaded to Mokunachoi's Youtube, streaming process, Tiktok, publications (artbooks) etc..)
It will be stated who is the commission client in the title/description as well as the artist who made the reference image
Mokunachoi is not obligated to create social media content on their platforms for every commission
Mokunachoi will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork
commission client will be credited
If another artist has drawn the reference image, their credit will be included as well
The commission must be appropriately and clearly credited to Mokunachoi on any social media and media
If entering any competition with the order, credit must be given towards Mokunachoi, and must be known that the order was commissioned.
Not used for commercial purposes (not for resale)
If used for licensing, it must be mentioned in the order for a fee
The commissioner MUST own the design of the reference image (or be given permission from the artist to allow the commission with screenshot proof) before the 3d commission begins
Mokunachoi will not be liable if you do not have permission to use the artwork/assets for the commission
If process (wip) cannot be shown during the commission process and client requests an NDA before the debut, there will be a 10% fee of the total quote price
After NDA (after the model has debuted) Mokunachoi will post process of the work on the model
Fittings & Measurements
Measurements must be provided by the client
Once order is accepted, Mokunachoi will ask for measurements regarding the order
Must use American units of measurement (e.g. inches)
Mokunachoi will not be held responsible if the costume/prop does not fit the client due to the client’s change in measurements after the start of the transaction when the measurements were provided by the client
The commissioner MUST own or have permission of all components/assets of the model if asking for alterations
ex. requesting Mokunachoi to add clothing/hair/etc..
ex. requesting Mokunachoi to alter a model of another artist/adding rig/texture/etc...
If altering the commission model from Mokunachoi, you MUST ask permission from Mokunachoi
Mokunachoi will not be held accountable if the commissioned model from Mokunachoi doesn’t work after alterations from another person/artist
Cancellation & Refund
Client cannot cancel order once the commission has started
Full refund will be given if commission has not begun yet
Refunds may be provided under Mokunachoi's discretion
To request a refund, communicate with Mokunachoi first, if accepted do not request a Paypal chargeback to receive the refund. They will refund you
If the client performs a Paypal chargeback at any point, the client will lose all beforementioned rights to the commission piece and Mokunachoi will have full rights to profit further from the commission in any way.
The chargeback will be declined and Paypal will receive the conversation where the commission was discussed as evidence of the commission work being completed